How to use GurneyGoo to avoid chafing in adventure races

Steve is patron of the GODZone Adventure race and made a video to show the 2015 entrants how to use the GurneyGoo in their race packs. It's classic Steve - funny, self deprecating, knowledgeable and a bit NSFW. Enjoy.

Make sure your get all areas of your feet covered and the other spots you have trouble with in training. When you're out there for 5 to 7 days, on the move for  20+ hours per day it's vital to keep your skin in good condition - it's the number one problem and causes more DNFs than anything else. Trenchfoot is not fun, and it can end your race.

Don't be afraid to get into those vital nooks & crannies - you'll be glad you did! If you're lucky maybe you can get a team mate to apply it for you...
